Hello Everyone!
In December 2016, as a way of helping spread the festive joy we embarked on a shoe box drive to support the Moses Basket home. Moses Basket is a safe house in Harare, Zimbabwe that provides a temporary place of shelter and safety for newly born abandoned and neglected babies.
The home was established to provide a solution for abandoned babies and its founders believe that life is precious and so every life deserves a chance. Moses Basket does not operate as an orphanage but rather serves as a temporary place of safety where newborns are loved and cared for until such time that they can be placed in a foster and/or adoptive home. Finally finding an adoptive home and parents to care for them is referred to as the babies finding their “Forever Families” – a concept that speaks true to the saying that there are no unwanted children, just unfound families.
What’s inside the boxes?
Each box contained two outfits, a receiving blanket, two white vests or onesies, two pairs of socks, one pyjama, two bibs, one baby hat, a soft toy or musical toy, and a special handwritten note to the baby from the donor.
The idea behind the shoe box is that each box is meant to serve as a welcome pack for each newborn baby that first arrives at Moses Basket. It is a small gift for Day 1 intended to symbolise hope for a bright future ahead.
The shoe boxes were specifically packed for either a boy (wrapped in blue), a girl (wrapped in pink), or neutral (wrapped in yellow) meaning the items in the boxes with the yellow wrapping were not gender specific and could be used by either a baby girl or boy. The contents catered for babies aged between 0-6 months.
A total of 17 boxes were handed out to the home together with 3 hampers of mixed supplies which had toys, clothes and other toiletry essentials.

Parenthood requires love not DNA
“Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, yet still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute you did not grow under my heart but in it” – Fleur Conkling Heylinger
“Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother” – Oprah Winfrey
“A child born to another woman calls me mommy. The magnitude of that tragedy and the depth of that privilege are not lost on me” – Jody Landers
“We do not need to know the beginning of a child’s story to change the ending” – Fi Newood

Thank you!
A big thank you to all those that responded to our call and assisted by donating a shoe box or cash towards this charitable cause. Donations came in from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and as far as the United Kingdom. We are once again reminded that it indeed takes a village to raise a child.

How can you help this home?
The home does not have an active website however, please contact us and we will gladly share details of the relevant people you can get in touch with in order to assist.
Remember, a smile is the same in every language and communities that are open to sharing will end up benefiting everyone.
Stay blessed!